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  • Writer's pictureJessica Seale


I love a nice, long soak in the tub. Yet, as I find myself bending over it, spraying a foamy substance over its surface to remove the buildup of grime, I’m reminded that I have to take care of it in order to enjoy it.

I love the look of my tub after a good cleaning, and for a while, it stays that way. At first the blemishes are small, a speck of dirt from my foot, a fallen hair from my head, then before I know it, it’s time to get out the foamy spray again.

Recently, I have found cleaning and upkeep extremely needful for another possession of mine- my mind. “The mind is a wonderful thing,” a very wise person once told me, “the important thing is what you put into it.”

It seemed so harmless when it first started- a newfound interest in a type of TV show I rarely watch. A sweet, yet unlikely on-screen relationship which suddenly re-blossoms, and I am hooked. The obsession is easy to justify, until tonight, scrubbing the tub. I have no doubt that my brain also needs a good scrubbing- with prayer and the Word.

I used to believe the Christian life was about being perfect. Now I know it’s admitting that I’m not. I will always need a Savior, to purify me from the gunk of the world around me, much like my tub will always need that foamy spray to cleanse it from the gunk inside it. I will still enjoy an occasional show with my favorite couple, but I will remember to honor Jesus, who holds my heart.

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