"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24
"The beauty of the day is not that it is new, but that we are being made new. The glory of the day is not that it marks a change, but that we are being changed." - R. C. Sproul
The change for a new story in my life is here every single day. Will I not embrace it? Will I not live it to the fullest? The Nova on the brain I watched the end of a few days ago says that the brain is hardwired to tell stories. Every time we relive a memory, that memory changes, because our brains are telling a story. My memories must change a lot, because I tend to dwell on the past. But what if there is a brand new story in today? What if I was allowed to see a new day because there is something meaningful for me to do this day?

So today, I will put my phone down, block out distractions, and pick up my pen and computer. And I will write the story God is doing today? Why don't you ask him to help you do the same?