Hello, long time no write!
I guess you could say life has been crazy.
Today, though, I have a special reason for posting. I am on the brink of something new:pursuing a Master's Degree in Creative Writing online from Full Sail University.
I am really passionate about getting this degree, and also about applying for scholarships.
I have applied to around fifty so far, and when I have completed my list, I will be up to sixty.
In my scholarship pursuit, I have come across Bold Scholarships, a site where students and prospective students can apply for scholarships and earn points toward winning those scholarships. I would love for you, my readers, to check out my profile. at:

If you or someone you know needs scholarships for college, please consider subscribing to Bold. It will help both of us!
Winning a scholarship would mean the world to me, it would mean less to worry about as I pursue my degree. It would also mean that all the hours I will have put in applying for scholarships have paid off. For me, applying for scholarships means not only learning new things, by reading newsletters and the novel, Atlas Shrugged, it also means writing essays that convey who I am, what my goals are, and who I hope to become. On my profile, you can read a couple of essays I have written, as well as learn about my interests and goals for the future.
This journey of life is a journey of becoming. Thank you, reader, for coming along on this journey with me, and for looking at my profile.