I have a lot of objects in my house which serve a useful purpose. Some of them I use every day, some of them are just for looks, but many of them are simply waiting to be used.
I've told a story of a pie plate that I have which replaced one that was broken. This pie plate, though I've only used it once, serves as a story piece for a lesson I've learned.
Like that pie plate, I am not my own. I bought with a price and I belong to God. He knows just when and where to best use me. Sometimes I wrestle with the feeling like I’m idle. But I know, that much like those objects in my house, I must simply wait to be used. Like the pie plate, I can be a story piece for God to use. And sometimes, I am being used when I don’t even see it. His hand can work thousands of different ways to bring His plans to pass. That’s what I must trust because He is worth trusting. So I will do all I am called to do, and when necessary, wait to be used.
